Silverline 3Hp Dc-3H50L Lubricated Air Compressor

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"Lubricated Air Compressor 2200 watts of power at a speed of 3600RPM, allows you to fill your 50Lt tank in 4min and restore its maximum pressure of 120PSI in 2min.
Useful for professional painting work at home and in the workshop due to its practical 120V connection, and its 2 controlled air outlets with its pressure regulator allows us to do multiple tasks with it.
Enjoy the entire catalog of products that Silverline has for you at

Dimensions: height 70 cm, front 75 cm, depth 32.5 cm and weight 30.5 kg. "

Silverline 3Hp Dc-3H50L Lubricated Air Compressor

Silverline 3Hp Dc-3H50L Lubricated Air Compressor
